Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My first balcony vegetables

In previous years, I loved doing some gardening at my parents' house. I cared for the plants, giving them food and light and room and watching them grow. Now that I have moved to an apartment in town, it has become a bit more difficult. But I decided to grow plants on my balcony, and share my experiences with everyone who has the same fascination.

The fantastic squeezed coco
My first "experiment" are lettuce and radishes. I sowed them in a planting bag, weighing nothing and being easy to move around. As potting soil I used some kind of squeezed cocos thing. It's really an incredible invention, it just weighs some 600g, and then you have to add some water to it and suddenly you have 10l of potting soil! If I had thought of this before, I wouldn't have had to drag a 20kg potting soil bag around half of the town. I mixed this cocos soil with some compost and lucerne (also known as "alfalfa") mix to make my vegetables grow better.
Lettuce and radishes to be

The lettuce is sowed in a circle on the outside, the radishes in the middle. It's still looking a bit grey, but it will be much better when little green plants begin to grow... Looking forward to it!